
We have more than a decade of experience in the industry.


Welcome to Invincible Solar

Be the Future of Power

Invincible Solar was created by its founder, Joshua “Jay” Nunley, to make sure people knew exactly what the future of Solar holds. It’s more than just a solar system, it is freedom. 

Invincible Solar is a veteran-owned and ran company dedicated to preparing people for now and the future of power. One of the main focuses of the company making sure veterans have opportunities outside their military service. Partnering with SFLTAP, Invincible was able to create rewarding and challenging jobs for solar consultation. 


To make solar easy and simple and get everyone prepared for the future of how energy will be produced.

Photo of Joshua Nunley sitting with his hand on his face
Joshua Nunley as a Paratrooper with group of men beside him
Jay with a man sitting beside him

Joshua "Jay" Nunley 


Jay served four years in the Army as a Paratrooper in the 173rd, located in Vicenza, Italy. There he polished his skills of discipline and structure. Understanding how to mitigate gray areas and get results; he excelled in any job he had, from a bartender to a private lender. He understood transparency and taking responsibility was the core to a successful business.  

While Invincible Solar is a recently founded venture, we have more than a decade of experience in the industry. Accordingly, we are more than qualified to serve customers in their solar panel needs. Since the beginning we have been converting countless houses into solar-powered homes in Dallas, Texas, and other surrounding states. And we’re still continuously improving our quality of work so clients get only the best service and products when they work with us. We hope you’ll join us in our journey of helping more individuals and families along the way. We know everything to make solar power a reliable option for families. As we understand that the solar orientation of your house saves money, we can set up panels or add or remove blocking objects to capture more sunlight, even on cloudy days. As we’re also highly skilled and knowledgeable in this area, you can trust us to make the installation quick, safe, and hassle-free for you.